The list of released and upcoming HD DVD titles (Last updated 02/03/2008) This list is . Added Warner Bros. HD-DVD titles and release dates.
The updated upcoming HD-DVD list now looks like this. with .
UK has upcoming hd dvd release dates sent out pre-order info for Trainspotting on HD-DVD, it lists it with a RRP of �24.99 and a release date .
Hi-Def Digest is a great resource for Blu-ray and HD-DVD news, reviews, and upcoming release dates.
. content to its HD-DVD menu, Warner today announced that its upcoming 'Constantine' will be its first disc release . HD DVD News; HD DVD Reviews; Release Dates; Amazon Pre .
Miley Cyrus LOL Movie Gets No Love From Lionsgate in The Hunger Games Wake
^ Every HD DVD player released to date is fully equipped to take advantage of these web . The video trailer of this upcoming HD DVD release is available via this link
. trailers, wallpapers, pictures, images, soundtracks, cast, reviews, and release dates. . DVD Reviews; Upcoming Blu-Ray ; Upcoming DVDs; Blu-Ray Home or DVD Home
Regular DVD movies don't cut it anymore, HD is in! Here is your only mobile source for info and release dates on HD-DVD . Upcoming HD-DVD Movies
HD DVD News; upcoming hd dvd release dates HD DVD Reviews; Release Dates; Amazon Pre-orders; Easter Eggs; HD Gear . Upcoming Blu-ray Releases
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Returning to Vancouver for Breaking Dawn Part 2 Re-shoots
Also on the docket for HD DVD are a number of current and upcoming high-profile theatrical releases, which are expected to debut in the coming months day-and-date with DVD .
. trailers and clips for new All Genres DVD releases. . This Week's
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